Bitcoin Becomes Legal Tender In Central African Republic

After El Salvador, Lugano, and Honduras Prospera, the Central African Republic, a significant economic zone in the Latin American country, has also passed a law to accept Bitcoin as legal tender. The National Assembly unanimously released the bill which would make cryptocurrency legal tender in the country. Calixte Nganongo, minister of finance and budget, and Gourna…

Digital Currencies likely to be regarded as legal tender, says European Central Bank

According to officials, developed by foreign institutions, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are expected to become legal tender in the Eurozone. Board member of European Central Bank, Fabio Panetta confirmed the possibility of this outcome on Tuesday in Helsinki. With the implementation of legal tender status, foreign CBDCs will serve as any foreign currency. He…

Bitcoin hype reaches Honduras with first crypto ATM

The first crypto ATM in Honduras opened this week as bitcoin investors ask for prompt demand for digital assets after neighboring El Salvador became the first nation to accept bitcoin as legal tender. The machine, locally named “la bitcoinera” enables users to get Ethereum and Bitcoin using the local lempira currency. It was set up…

Paraguay intends to regulate cryptocurrency trading and mining

The publicity around Paraguay emerging as the 2nd country to legalizing Bitcoin has doing rounds since El Salvador announced crypto as legal tender the previous month. But, a leaked draft of the cryptocurrency bill that Paraguayan congressman Carlos Rejala intends to present in the Chamber of Deputies – similar to Lok Sabha in India –…

Mexico warns of risks, doesn’t consider crypto as money

On Monday, financial authorities in Mexico told that crypto assets aren’t legal tender and aren’t considered currencies under current laws. The authorities further cautioned financial institutions that operate with them are subject to sanctions. The joint statement by banking regulators, the Bank of Mexico and the the Bank of Mexico after Ricardo Salinas Pliego, a…

Bitcoin may become an asset class in India soon

After EI Salvador’s remarkable stand to adopt Bitcoin as a legal tender, things are appearing brighter back home in India for crypto-lovers. Top sources monitoring the industry informed that the government has a change of mind from its previous hostile attitude towards digital currencies. It will most probably consider Bitcoin as an asset class in…

EI Salvador president offers permanent residency to cryptocurrency entrepreneurs

Nayib Bukele, President of EI Salvador has offered incentives for the crypto community including immediate permanent residency for crypto entrepreneurs and bitcoin investors won’t face any capital gain tax. This has attracted attention from entrepreneurs and investors alike. All this followed his latest announcement to make Bitcoin a legal tender in the nation. Bukele retweeted…