Coins, wallets & tokens

MiCA Stablecoin Rules: Support from Nigeria’s Crypto Community

Members of Nigeria’s cryptocurrency community have expressed their strong support for Europe’s Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) stablecoin rules, viewing it as a significant step forward. They emphasize the importance of jurisdictions safeguarding their interests in relation to cryptocurrency projects in order to protect their local currencies. Obinna Uzoije, a data and policy analyst from…

CBDC world status 2022
Retail and world adoption

Turkey’s Digital Lira CBDC carries out first payment transaction

Turkey’s central bank has reported carrying out the first payment transaction on their Digital Lira network, their CBDC in pilot phase. In the subsequent stages, the network looks forward to the participation of banks and fintech firms for closed-circuit testing. A press release from the organization said: “Against this backdrop, the CBRT will continue to…

Retail and world adoption

More than 1/3 of Africa’s 53 Million Crypto Owners are from Nigeria

An ecosystem is described as a “complex group of creatures whose habitat works as one entire ecological unit” in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. The Bitcoin ecosystem is a young but promising network of peer-to-peer and traditional Bitcoin exchange platforms, community educators, investors, core developers, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts who are all working together to create an African…

Morocco bans cryptocurrencies

In Morrocco, the central bank Al-Maghrib, the Ministry of Finance, the Foreign Exchange Office, and the Financial Markets Regulator has recently prohibited using cryptocurrencies in the country. As per the joint release published on 5th March, the ban is imposed to protect citizens from legal issues & losses. As per the regulatory authorities, cryptocurrencies are…