Press releases

Newly Launched First Anti-Inflationary Stable Coin, Autonomous Secure Dollar (USSD), Reveals the Future of Stable Coins

USSD is a censorship-resistant, 10x backed by crypto stablecoin. It is the future of stable coins as the first crypto-backed stablecoin featuring an anti-inflation mechanism. The newly launched Autonomous Secure Dollar (USSD) is the first-of-its-kind stable coin backed only by crypto, and has been launched by David Lee. USSD (Arbitrum) is already working as an…

global crypto adoption rankings
Retail and world adoption

Financial Stability Board (FSB) Publishes Crypto Regulation Framework Report

The Financial Stability Board (FSB), a worldwide financial organization affiliated with the G20, has released a paper calling for the cryptocurrency market to be regulated at the global level. According to the FSB, the cryptocurrency market is developing quickly to the point where more targeted control is required. A list of inquiries has been released…

UK crypto

Britain declares plans to mint its non-fungible tokens

On Monday, the United Kingdom government declared plans to mint its non-fungible tokens, as part of a push towards emerging as a ‘world leader’ in the crypto world. Rishi Sunak, the Finance Minister asked the Royal Mint – the government-owned firm responsible for minting coins for the U.K. – to create and launch the NFT…

Meta – Facebook is winding its cryptocurrency division

On Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Meta Platform Inc.’s digital currency project Diem Association is shutting down and selling its technology to California-based Silvergate Capital for about $200 million. Formerly Facebook Inc., Meta first unveiled plans for Diem, called Libra previously, in June 2019, as part of an effort to expand beyond social…