Joe Biden to issue an executive order on crypto this week

According to the administration official aware of the issue, the US administration is about to issue an executive order on crypto this week. On February 18, Yahoo Finance reported that the executive order will direct a wide range of government agencies to study CBDC and crypto and come up with a government-wide strategy to regulate…

IBM and HSBC develop successful multi-ledger CBDC demo

IBM and HSBC, on Thursday, declared the successful test of an up-to-date token and digital wallet settlement between 2 CBDCs (central bank digital currencies) in a cloud environment. The experiment included transactions between eBonds, CBDCs and forex. Hyperledger Fabric and enterprise technology provider of IBM, R3’s Corda acted as the base of the distributed ledger…

SEC open meeting next Thursday to include cryptocurrency panel discussion

Today, SEC or the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission declared the title of the upcoming cryptocurrency panel for its December 2 Investor Advisory Meeting. The title will be ‘Helping to Ensure Investor Protection and Market Integrity in the Face of New Technologies’. Earlier, on Nov.15, the Commission declared the meeting would be open to the…

Digital Currencies likely to be regarded as legal tender, says European Central Bank

According to officials, developed by foreign institutions, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are expected to become legal tender in the Eurozone. Board member of European Central Bank, Fabio Panetta confirmed the possibility of this outcome on Tuesday in Helsinki. With the implementation of legal tender status, foreign CBDCs will serve as any foreign currency. He…

Mexico warns of risks, doesn’t consider crypto as money

On Monday, financial authorities in Mexico told that crypto assets aren’t legal tender and aren’t considered currencies under current laws. The authorities further cautioned financial institutions that operate with them are subject to sanctions. The joint statement by banking regulators, the Bank of Mexico and the the Bank of Mexico after Ricardo Salinas Pliego, a…