
South Korea Launches New Cryptocurrency Monitoring System and Regulations

On July 4th, the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) of South Korea unveiled a new “continuous monitoring system” designed to diligently oversee and detect suspicious cryptocurrency transactions taking place on exchanges. This system is a collaborative effort between the FSS and South Korean digital asset exchanges and is designed to provide ongoing surveillance of abnormal transactions….

Government of India ready with a consultation paper on cryptos

On Monday, economic affairs secretary Ajay Seth told the reporters that inflation in India should moderate in the upcoming months and the government is prepared with its consultation paper on cryptos. He added that there should be a global consensus reached on cryptos and the country would monitor the regulations enforced in other nations prior…

Crypto bill restrained from the Parliament

According to reports, India’s hot topic crypto bill, which suggests strict regulations be imposed in the cryptocurrency sector, is not likely to be presented before the Parliament during the winter session after all. Citing sources, a few reports mention that the government is currently gathering information on how other countries are thinking about restricting cryptos….

Ukraine is the new entry on the list of nations legalizing bitcoin

Ukraine is the 5th nation in as many weeks to lay down some regulations for the crypto market, an indication that governments worldwide are grasping that bitcoin is here to stay. In an almost concordant vote, the Parliament of Ukraine accepted a law that regulates and legalizes crypto. The bill was set in motion in…

Dogecoin co-founder finds crypto a ‘Hyper-capitalistic technology’ to serve rich

Jackson Palmer, co-founder of dogecoin slams crypto and insisted that he shall maintain a distance from the hysteria, calling it ‘an inherently right-wing, hyper-capitalistic technology’ designed to increase the riches of its supporters. He yelled against the crypto world and the ‘wealthy’ associated with it. On Wednesday, he posted on his Twitter page that the…

Crypto tax and regulations

New disclosure rules made mandatory for cryptocurrency companies in India

From today onwards, crypto firms in India must report all cryptocurrency transactions to the Indian government. Effective from today, the new disclosure rule states that any company dealing in cryptocurrency will have to reveal their complete crypto holdings to the government. All this has to be disclosed as a part of their financial statements. A…


India Inclined To Explore Cryptocurrencies: FM Hints About Crypto Regulations

Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman recently disclosed some clues about the new Cryptocurrency Bill that will be soon introduced in the parliament. Revealing no explicit intention to ban cryptocurrencies, she informed that the Indian Government will follow a ‘very calibrated’ approach to crypto trading. While sharing information about the bill, the finance minister for the…